2024 Charity Bucket Brigade

Do you like interacting with others and are willing to donate a couple hours of your time at Anthrocon? We’re looking for volunteers to help with our Charity Bucket Brigade during the main days of our convention (Friday, July 5th to Sunday, July 7th)!

We encourage fursuiters to participate in the bucket brigade, but if you’ve also got a costume or cosplay that would be interesting or cute, we’d still encourage you to apply.

Sign-ups for the Bucket Brigade

If you’re interested in volunteering, fill out the form below. The potential hours we’re looking for would be Friday between 12-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 10am-3pm.

Please note for minors, you will need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian to participate as a charity brigade volunteer. If you have questions, contact [email protected].